For every entrepreneur who wants to take his or her business to the next level, JT Foxx created the JT Foxx Dream Team event. This event offers the perfect mixture of high-level coaching, interactive attendee engagement and relationship-building opportunities. What makes this event different is it that it’s about you, your business and your ideas. It’s designed for all levels of experience in business.
What is JT Foxx Dream Team
Whether you own an existing business or just started a new business, JT Foxx Dream Team gives you the platform to address your specific needs with high-level, experienced coaches. These coaches are selected by JT Foxx himself.
The JT Foxx Dream Team
The goal of JT Foxx Dream Team is teaming up with the coaches and developing an action plan with strategies to execute based on your business needs. These strategies will naturally come with specifics tasks which are to be actioned and completed within the next 30, 60 and 90 days.
The event also allows you to get out of your comfort zone by participating in the ‘Hotseat’ session. This is where each participant is seated in the center of the room in direct engagement with the panel of coaches. During which your most urgent priorities and challenges will be addressed.
You can network with other like-minded entrepreneurs in the group, and learn about each other’s business in an interactive group coaching setting while collaborating and making new business connections.
Cover a variety of business topics, including Marketing, Branding, Time Management, Business Operations and Processes and, Strategic Growth.
People who attended JT Foxx Dream Team
Julie Solomon is one of the thousands of people who attended JT Foxx Dream Team. She signed up for the business coaching as well as 4 days group coaching from the Dream Team. The staff from JT Foxx organization interviewed her and established what she needed from the coaching. She was paired with Coach Shaun who specializes in marketing and branding.
According to her, she benefited enormously from these coaching sessions. She took the advice on board and introduced the concept of Branding by Association. With much success! “Oh my goodness, I could barely keep up with all the interest, phone calls, additional inquiries that came pouring in as a result of this.” The same month and three months after, she doubled the number of sales.
Another successful entrepreneur is Lucie Légaré. She joined the JT Foxx Events after deciding she wanted to make a career from writing and speaking. Lucie and her partner Tim went in, expecting hard core selling and were determined not to be tricked by some “hocus-pocus magician” on stage. She found the main event filled with valuable information, which made her decide to purchase the Dream Team Package with Damien for 4 days Group Business Coaching. These days for her were worth everything: “There are no words to describe how meeting JT and Jim and having the whole organization as a family is making a tremendous positive impact in my life, in the life of my family.”
“It has fired me up to look at my business in a new light and re-energize to push it to the next level.” – Dee Dee Quah
In case you don’t know JT
JT Foxx is a successful serial entrepreneur who owns companies, brands and business interests across the world. He is one of the top platform speakers in the world and is regarded as the World’s #1 Wealth Coach as heard and seen on television, radio and print. Additionally, JT is also a media and TV personality. Currently he works on a new business reality show. However, what really is close to JT’s heart are his philanthropic endeavors with youth entrepreneurs and kids with cancer.